Wacky Blog


One of our favorite family traditions is the signing of the tablecloth. We have a very large white tablecloth for our dining room table that we bring out in December. During our family Christmas party, each family member is asked to trace their hand on the cloth and then write something they are grateful for from the current year, and include their name and date. We have a multitude of Sharpie pens in a variety of colors to use. We also send it to our extended family in southern Utah but we try to make time to take a quick trip between Thanksgiving and New Years Day to capture the hands of four generations.


It’s not easy thinking of something to be grateful for, oddly enough. Our son-in-law tried to pull a fast one by finding his outlined hand from last year and wrote “Ditto – 2011” for this year. I have updated his hand to now read, “I am grateful for Lori’s wonderful cooking and her ability to be a gracious, charming and beautiful hostess.” Pretty sure he’ll think of something on his own next year.

This year we wrapped up three year’s worth of hands as we included our staff members and their spouses; friends that stopped by to check in on us; one of Carly’s best friends that just returned from his 2-year mission in Taiwan; our 4-year old granddaughter that not only drew her hand, but a bracelet, a ring and a flower. But the sweetest part is when I placed my real hand over Nick’s traced hand from last year, reiterating his gratitude for life, laughter, friends and family.

We love our beautiful and colorful tablecloth.

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