Wacky Blog

Ragnar – Drumroll, Please….

Our heroes in Wacky Warriors running tech shirts raised over $30,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am completely stunned, thrilled and humbled all at the same time!  To all of you that participated by running, donating, volunteering – thank you so very much!

As you know, one of the charities that continue to merit our donations is First Descents.  Last week, Kelsey’s softball team, the Bukoos, went to Denver to participate in the week-long Sparkler softball tournament.  I was asked by the team’s coach to engage the team in a motivational activity before the first game.  It just so happens that First Descents is located in Denver.  It just so happens I have a check to deliver.  Hmmmmm… an idea occurs.  I made an inquiry and the founder, Brad Ludden, invited the entire team to come and visit!

Tuesday morning, we all piled in various cars and headed towards downtown Denver.  When we arrived, the FD staff welcomed us enthusiastically!


Immediately, Lee and I noticed Nick’s red kayak in the office.  Instant tears for us both.  Brad had given Nick (Nickname) this particular red kayak a few years ago.  We donated the kayak back to FD, as well as all of Nick’s kayaking gear,  so that other cancer survivor campers could benefit from the magic of kayaking.  Brad and the FD core staff decided to keep his kayak in FD’s office.  When new staff members are hired, they are required to sign Nick’s kayak as part of their commitment to First Descents and the FD campers.  As Brad says, “It’s an icon for our experience and we stand behind it as he stood behind FD.”

Wildflower (I’m not even sure what his real name is… I just know he attended camp with Nick) quickly engaged the girls in a competitive bag tossing game, followed by a game of “Kayak” outside in the parking lot, which can only be played walking backwards wearing silly hats.



Each girl was awarded an FD goodie bag for their athletic skills demonstrated in aforementioned games.  Brad then talked with the team for a few minutes about Nick’s legacy, the power of teamwork, etc.  He pointed out Nick’s kayak, to which they responded by helping Kelsey climb in and raising her as high as they could reach above their heads.  As Kelsey shrieked in sincere fear of being dropped, Lee and I both warded off tears for the second time that morning.  The tears won.



So, to all of you involved with the Wacky Warriors Wasatch Back Ragnar race, because of your generosity and participation, we hand delivered a check for $15,000 to First Descents and the remaining amount will be sent to CureSearch once the final pledges have come in.  This means that FIFTEEN young-adult cancer survivors will have an opportunity for a life-changing  experience in a week-long outdoor adventure camp next year!
